Letter From the Co-founders,
Dear Friends:
Willie Bobo has been hard
at work moving forward to realize our vision. Our last production of
“Hurlyburly” at the Producers Club was a great success with an attendance of 60%
and ticket sales of $2,910.00. This has put us in an excellent position for our
next production, “Badgers,” by Donald Wollner, produced in association with
Present Tense Productions opening August 21 at the Pantheon Theatre. We have a
great and energetic cast and volunteer staff that promises to make this a very
exciting production.
We are excited to announce
that we are now a member of the
Circum-Arts Foundation. Circum-Arts is a not-for-profit arts service
organization with the mission to assist, advocate and encourage performing
artists and visual arts projects. Our membership with Circum-Arts and their
support as a fiscal sponsor is our first step in securing resources to funding
and assistance for future productions and events. We are now able to accept
financial support and donations as a not-for-profit organization. All donations
are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Should you choose to make a
contribution please, make checks payable to Circum-Arts Foundation, earmarked
for the Willie Bobo Production Group. Mail to Willie Bobo Production Group, 451
West 36 Street 1B, New York New York 10018.
We thank you for your
continued support in helping us grow both as artists and as a company and in
giving us the opportunity to bring our vision and spirit to the public.
Mark Douglas and Tim Flynn